Air and Space

Aerospace Design and Astronomy

closeup of airplane shape test with colored smoke streaming from wings. blurred person in background菠菜网lol正规平台 contributions include technical aircraft design and engineering, aviation and astronomy scholarship, as well as analysis of education in these disciplines. We also explore connections between arts and creativity in engineering design, and define, teach, and assess current skills, complex problem solving, and lifelong learning.

Below is a rotating selection of our standout investigators in air and space scholarship and engineering. Our expertise in these fields is accompanied by programs in professional flight, as well as significant human factors collaborations with NASA Ames Research Center. 

  ○ Recent News and Highlights
  ○ Human Factors: Human Interaction with Technology

Featured Faculty

chierichettiMaria Chierichetti
Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering
Machine Learning, Finite Elements, Vibrations
ORCID: 0000-0002-9093-8697

garciaAlejandro Garcia
Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Fluid Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, Fluctuating Hydrodynamics, Rarefied Gases, Direct Simulation Monte Carlo
ORCID: 0000-0003-3477-5982

kaufmanMichael Kaufman
Dean, College of Science
Astrophysics, Interstellar Medium, Astrochemistry
ORCID: 0000-0002-2521-1985

romanowskiAaron Romanowsky
Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Dark Matter, Galaxy Formation, Black Holes, Star Clusters
ORCID: 0000-0003-2473-0369

rubinoEdoardo Rubino
Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering
Energy Harvesting, Piezoelectric, Turbulence-Induced Vibrations, Flow Disruptors
ORCID: 0000-0002-4849-4308

viswanathanVimal Viswanathan
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Product Design, Design Automation, AI/ML in Design, Additive Manufacturing, 4D Printing, Shape Memory Polymers
ORCID: 0000-0002-2984-0025

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